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Effective Success Oriented Leadership

By: Vivek Kane

Are you a new entrepreneur looking to build a new team and lead it to success? Are you identified as a future leader and are in the leadership pipeline? Are you a business leader looking to build a culture for success-orientation? Are you a professional aspiring to top leadership positions? If the answer to any of these is ‘yes’, here is a book – ‘ESOL’, i.e. Effective Success Oriented Leadership, that will give you an insight into how a leader builds the right cultural ambience and leads the organization to sustained long-term success. As Rajendra Joshi, Managing Director – Accenture, South-East Asia puts it: “This extraordinary book is a pragmatic guide for budding managers to become effective and successful leaders. The way it is narrated, with a lot of appropriate examples and anecdotes, makes it a captivating read. The tools and techniques cited here will be very useful to CXOs and other business leaders.” ESOL, i.e. Effective Success Oriented Leadership, by Vivek Kane, an eminent business leader, a Strategy & Leadership coach, and a mentor to many CEOs.

Product Details

  • Pages:222 pages
  • Language:English
  • Format:Paperback

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